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General Info
Euless B&B Wrecker Service is a family-owned business, which was founded in 1954 by Mr. Robert Baker. The business has also evolved and turned itself into a 24-hour operation which has a fleet of 27 trucks at their disposal, as well as other specialized equipment. All trucks come with various towing and hauling equipment and are prepared to service any location within the greater Texas area. Call us today for more information.
Cargo, Abandoned Vehicle Recovery, Underwater Recovery, Impound Services, Wheel Repair, Flatbed Wreckers Jump Starts, Flat Bed Truck Service, Repossessions, Towing, Long Distance Towing, Jump Starts, Junk Car Buyers, Vehicle Storage, 50 Ton Double Drop, Truck Recovery, Rollback Towing, Tilt Bed, Heavy Duty Towing, Parts Exchange, 24-Hour Emergency Service, Insurance Appraisals, Buses, Rv'S, Online Parts Inventory, Wheel Lift Towing, Nothing Too Large OR Heavy, Unlocks Flat Tires, Four Wheel Drive Vehicle Recovery, Bus Recovery, Light Heavy Equipment, Light & Heavy Duty Towing, Low Boy Services, Winching, Lockout Services, Title Services, Limos, Flat Beds - Low Boys, Tire Repair, Insurance Towing, 50 Ton Hydraulic, Cargo, Limos, Buses, Rv'S, Locks.
Heavy Equipment
Payment method
mastercard, amex, discover, visa
English, Spanish


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Phone: (682) 253-6912

Address: 1200 NW Euless Blvd, Euless, TX 76040
