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General Info
Well established scientific principles provide the basis for the modern polygraph examination. The parent science is psychophysiology, a recognized specialty within the field of psychology which deals with the interplay between physiology and psychology. It is based on and applies scientific principles. The polygraph instrument was not invented for, nor is it limited to, use in detecting deception. It is a scientific instrument long used in the psychophysiology field to measure and record simultaneously a number of physical reactions to measure changes in people's bodies that relate to psychological states. TYPES OF EXAMINATIONS: Pre-Conviction Polygraph: Refers to standard applications of polygraph testing traditionally dealing with specific allegations (criminal or civil) currently under investigation or indictment; that involve conflicting positions or statements, the outcome of which is pending; and, for which some type of punishments is likely if the guilt of or de ception by the examine is established Post-Conviction Polygraph: A developing field often referred to as clinical polygraph examinations. Refers to testing of individuals (post-conviction) while under court supervision (probation, deferred adjudication, and parole). Currently it is utilized primarily with sex offender populations under supervision, the defined purposes being to establish and verify disclosure about issues prior to the date of conviction.
Pre-Trial Polygraph Child Abuse & Neglect Polygraph

Investigations LLC



Phone: (316) 262-1721

Address: 1161 S Meridian Ave Apt 104, Wichita, KS 67213