house totally tile floors 2 years old and grout cracked and grout falling out.


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It is common for grout to crack and come loose over time, especially if it was not installed properly or if the subfloor is not stable. You may need to replace the grout altogether. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Remove the old grout: Use a grout saw or oscillating tool to carefully remove the old grout. Make sure not to damage any of the tiles in the process.
  2. Clean the area: Use a vacuum or dry brush to remove any loose debris or dust from the area. Then, use a mixture of water and vinegar to clean the tiles and remove any remaining grout.
  3. Prepare new grout mix: Read the manufacturer's instructions carefully and mix the new grout according to their specifications. Make sure to mix thoroughly.
  4. Apply new grout: Start from one corner of the room and apply the new grout using a grout float. Make sure to fill in all the spaces between the tiles, and smooth out any excess.
  5. Clean off excess grout: Use a damp sponge to wipe away any excess grout from the surface of the tiles. Rinse the sponge frequently to avoid spreading the grout around.
  6. Let the grout dry: Wait at least 24 hours for the grout to dry completely before walking on the floor or cleaning the tiles.

Once the new grout is applied, it is recommended to seal the grout to help prevent future cracking and damage. Consult with your local hardware store or tile professional for the appropriate sealer for your situation.

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