how to get sewer working again


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All Answers (1)


  1. Identify the problem: The first step is to locate where the sewer blockage is located. Disturbances in the flushing of toilets, water backing up in the sink or shower, and gurgling sounds from the drain pipes are common indications of sewer blockages.
  2. Shut off the main water valve: Before proceeding with any fix, turn off the main water valve to avoid further damage and contamination.
  3. Use a plunger: A plunger can be a useful tool to dislodge minor obstructions in the sewer line. Put the plunger over the drain and add enough water to ensure the rubber cup covers the drain, then pump up and down to build up pressure.
  4. Use a drain snake: In cases of serious blockages, a drain snake can be used. Feed the auger down the drain pipe and keep rotating the handle until you physically reach the obstruction. At this point, you can turn the handle counterclockwise to break up and remove the blockage.
  5. Use a hydro jet: For severe sewer blockages or blockages that are too far to reach, you may need a hydrojet. It pumps water under high pressure to break up and remove the debris in the sewer line.
  6. Call a professional: If you are unable to resolve the issue, it is best to contact a professional plumber. They have the expertise and equipment required to solve the most difficult sewer blockages.
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