Eddyville, KY
Business Directory

Located in western Kentucky, Eddyville is a charming town known for its simplicity and rural atmosphere. With a population of just over 2,600, the city offers a peaceful escape for those wanting a break from the hectic pace of larger urban areas. Eddyville is home to great outdoor recreational activities, with beautiful lakes and forests for boating, fishing, and hiking enthusiasts to explore. The city also has a rich history, with notable landmarks like the Eddyville Historic District and the Kentucky State Penitentiary Museum. In terms of local businesses, Eddyville boasts a variety of family-owned shops, restaurants, and accommodations. Visitors can enjoy authentic Southern cuisine at local eateries or find unique gifts and crafts at boutiques and specialty stores. Whether you're looking for a weekend getaway or a quieter place to call home, Eddyville offers a welcoming community and a chance to experience a slice of small-town America.Show More

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