
Cost of Roof Inspection, Repair, & Replacement

YP Editors

Since we rely on our homes to provide shelter, it could be said that the roof is the most important part of a dwelling. Roofing is built to be incredibly durable, but there inevitably comes a point at which every roof needs to be inspected, repaired, or replaced.

Roof Inspection

If the roof is aging, leaky, or otherwise compromised, the first step is to have it inspected. A roof inspection can also be useful every year or two, just to make sure the roof is in top shape. If buying or selling a home, a roof inspection is essential. A home's value is tied to the soundness of its roof, and it's important to know the condition of a home's roofing before initiating buying or selling.

A roof inspection involves physically assessing a roof for signs of damage or wear, and it can be used to determine a roof's remaining lifespan. The duration of the inspection will vary depending the type of roofing material involved. For example, wood shingles need to be closely looked at for rot; with metal roofing, an inspector would check for rust.

If a roof inspector isn't able to physically access a roof, an infrared roof inspection might be used. This method uses infrared technology to detect areas of the roof that might be worn or leaky, and it can be carried out without touching the roof's surface. Infrared roof inspections are often priced differently from a standard inspection.

Another method of roof inspection involves the use of drones, which are used to fly over the roof and capture video of its surface. In tall buildings, drones can simplify roof inspection and shorten the time required to complete the process.

On average, roof inspection costs $100- $300 dollars. The price will depend on the inspection method, the type of roofing, and the size of the home. The cost can range from $75-$700 or more.

Roof Repair

Roof repair can be costly, but it's less costly than roof replacement. If minor roof issues are allowed to go unchecked, they can quickly snowball into major problems. For example, a tiny leak can lead to a rust problem that compromises the integrity of a metal roof.

Certain roofing problems are common. With a shingled roof, wind might cause the shingles to peel off and blow away, leaving the roof deck vulnerable. If the roof has a chimney, the sealant used to secure its flashing might eventually fail, and this can cause leaking.

It may be possible to repair certain roof problems yourself, and the average repair cost will be dictated by the roofing material used. Metal, composite, tile, and wood shake roofing have an average repair cost of $300=$360. Asphalt shingles cost roughly $250 to repair, and the average repair cost of flat, foam, or single-ply roofing comes in at $400. With an average repair cost of $530, a slate roof is often the most expensive roof type to repair.

It can be simpler to turn roof repair over to a contractor. These professionals typically charge $45-$75 an hour. On average, professional roof repair costs $150-$400.

Roof Replacement

Roof replacement can be expensive. On the plus side, a new roof can hugely boost the value of your home.

While the average cost spent to install a new roof is $6,600, the total cost of roof repair can vary tremendously, and it will depend on the size of the roof and the materials used. Also, roofing that has a steep pitch tends to be more costly to repair than flat roofs, since a steep roof is harder to access. Roof replacement costs for a large house with a steep roof can climb as high as $30,000.