
Ant Control

YP Editors

If you have an ant infestation, it's time to start thinking about effective ant control. By taking certain steps, you can protect your property, your health and your safety.

Why Is Ant Control Necessary?

Ant control is necessary because an ant infestation can cause problems that range from minor irritations to major nuisances.

Biting and stinging: The first problem that comes with an ant infestation concerns biting and stinging. Certain species of ants bite, and others have the capacity to sting. If your home has been overrun with ants, you run the risk of getting bitten or stung.

Hygiene: An ant infestation can also be a threat to hygiene. Ants sometimes travel through unsanitary places. The ants that are in your home might have previously crawled through sewers or garbage, and it's possible that they could contaminate your living environment with harmful germs.

Property Damage: Ants can also cause damage to your home. If a large colony nests beneath your home, the soil displacement this causes could weaken the building's foundation.

Also, certain species of ants have an affinity for electricity, and they tend to cluster near spaces where there is an electrical current. Their activity could cause electrical appliances to short circuit, which could lead to a fire or blackout.

How to Determine If You Have an Ant Infestation

Ants aren't shy about making their presence known. Their visibility is a key sign you might have an infestation that calls for ant control.

If you have food that's been left on the kitchen counter, it will likely be targeted by ants if you have an infestation. Pet bowls are also likely to be overrun by these insects.

You might also notice stray scout ants wandering about in various rooms of your home, such as the bedroom or bathroom.

The presence of an ant nest is another indicator of an infestation. These nests are typically constructed just outside the home, but some species of ants will build nests within the home. An ant nest looks like a small mound of dirt, and there are usually lots of ants congregated nearby.

Effective Ant Control

The kind of ant control best suited for the job will depend on the habits of the ants that have caused the infestation.

Outdoor ants: Certain species of ants live outside the home, and they venture inside to look for food. These outdoor ants are distinguished by the trails they create leading into and out of a home.

You can make your home a less attractive food source for these ants by taking care to store all edibles in the refrigerator or in airtight containers.

You can also make it difficult for these ants to enter your home by sealing all cracks and crevices. Applying insecticide around the perimeter of your home and at various entry points will also discourage outdoor ants from entering your residence.

Make sure to use a non-repellent insecticide. Ants can detect the presence of a repellent insecticide, and, in most cases, they will simply choose to avoid it. This will limit its efficacy.

Indoor ants: Other species of ants establish colonies within a home.

An ant bait can be a great way to deal with this type of infestation. These baits contain a food source, which is laced with a slow-acting poison that ultimately kills the ants.

Many ant baits may be safely used in homes with pets or young children.

Professional Ant Control: Services and Costs

In many cases, it makes sense to take a do-it-yourself approach to ant control.

However, if you have a major infestation, you can save time and headaches by hiring an exterminator.

These are many different species of ants, and they can't all be exterminated using the same methods. An exterminator will first determine the species of ant that has infested your home. The pest control specialist will then locate the ant colony and treat it directly using insecticides or other methods.

It can cost $400-$1,000 to hire a professional exterminator for ant control. Variables such as the severity of the ant infestation and the size of your home will impact the final cost.