
Air Conditioning Repair DIY

An efficient heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system is crucial for your family's comfort, safety and budget. Household heating and cooling units that fail to perform at maximum capacity can require costly repairs from a trained technician. Additionally, hiring an air conditioning professional can be especially inconvenient in the middle of summer, when time is of the essence and an emergency repair is needed.

Yet, instead of waiting days - or possibly even weeks - for serviceman to deliver on promised repairs, some homeowners may choose to take AC repairs upon themselves. Though DIY may seem like a daunting process, it can save time and money for individuals who choose to go that route with proper planning and a little bit of know-how. Success with DIY AC repair essentially comes down to understanding your system and identifying the underlying causes for common unit problems.

DIY air conditioner repairs can be made simple with proper planning.DIY air conditioner repairs can be made simple with proper planning.

Pinpointing the Problem and Likely Causes

While it might be distressing to realize there are numerous reasons air conditioners fail to function at an optimal level, unit owners should take comfort in knowing they're in the best position to determine those factors. After all, having the AC unit in their home allows them to continuously monitor it and easily notice any visible problems or shortcomings. By simply evaluating the situation, those partaking in DIY could open the door to identifying the cause of their AC unit's setbacks.

Here are some common issues air conditioner owners might witness:

Not Turning On: This is obviously one of the more apparent signs your unit is in distress, and it could potentially be one of the more difficult issues to fix depending on the cause. Homeowners should start by simply checking their unit's controls and power source. Though it may seem obvious that the air conditioner should be plugged in and the thermostat must be set lower than current household temperature, these could easily be overlooked in the heat of the moment.

From there, you should try testing for blown fuses or tripped circuit breakers. If neither of those fixes yield a desirable result, it may indicate a more serious problem, such as a faulty motor or compressor - particularly if you have an older unit. Such repairs typically require extensive knowledge, and may indicate that it is, in fact, time to call a professional.

Completely Failing to Cool: When a unit turns on but can't produce cold air, it could signal a number of different problems. One of the most basic issues is your thermostat's setting; by lowering the temperature approximately 5 degrees, you may quickly notice a difference in airflow. If that doesn't seem to resolve the issue, you should check the unit's condenser next. Air conditioners may lack proper cooling functionality when the condenser is blocked or dirty. Similarly, a dirty evaporator could result in poor performance.

Again, certain issues such as a faulty compressor or lack of refrigerant may require the assistance of a skilled service professional. Not having enough freon in your unit is a common problem and, in addition to a lack of cooling functionality, can best be detected through the following signs:

  • The unit's supply vent is blowing warm air.
  • Ice is building up on the refrigerant line.
  • Your electric bills are higher than normal.
  • You hear a hissing sound, which could indicate a refrigerant leak.

Poorly Circulating Air: It's possible your air conditioning unit is turning on and distributing cold air, but it isn't doing so in the most efficient way possible. You may notice parts of your house are cooler than others, for example. When this occurs, there are a number of tactics homeowners could employ to fix the problem. You should start with simple solutions, like checking the thermostat and cleaning the evaporator. If neither of those fix the issue, it's possible your air conditioner's balancing system is off, meaning air is not able to flow evenly throughout the space. This usually is an indicator that your duct system should be measured and improved upon to decrease flow resistance. If you have a considerable amount of space to cool, it's also conceivable you may need to have a larger air conditioning unit installed.

Frequently Turning Off and On: Though bothersome, this problem actually presents one of the easiest solutions. If you find your unit shutting down and powering up repeatedly, the cause is most likely a dirty condenser or evaporator - both of which are easy fixes for those tackling the repairs themselves.

It's worth noting air conditioners, especially newer, high-efficiency models, may take a while to power back up. Give units at least a half hour before assuming your repairs didn't work.


Sometimes a thorough cleaning of your unit and its associated parts is all that's necessary to get your system in proper working order again.

Condenser: The DIY air conditioner repair process can seem like a breeze when the solution is simply tidying up the unit's condenser coils. Homeowners should take the following steps to ensure proper cleaning:

1. Rid the area of weeds, grass, vines and other debris.
2. Use a hose to spray off the coils.
3. If you notice a large amount of buildup, consider using a strong liquid acid or specialty coil cleaner to remove the remaining grime.
4. Use a butter knife or similar tool to straighten fins, in an upward motion, on the side of the condenser coil.

Evaporator: When evaporator coil cleaning is needed for an internal closed-loop system, repairers should utilize the following process:

1. Find the evaporator coil door on your indoor furnace unit.
2. Potentially remove a couple of screws or foil tape to open it. Keep the tape in tact as you will need to replace it upon finishing.
3. Use a soft brush to wipe off the coil.
4. Spray the area with a coil or liquid acid cleaner.
5. Clean the drain pan with soap, water and bleach after the cleaner runs down into it.
6. Combine a half cup each of bleach and water and pour the solution down the drain to prevent future algae growth.
7. Replace the door and reseal using the foil tape.

Purchase the Necessary Parts

Buying replacement parts is one of the simpler steps of the repair process. Often, DIY undertakers can get all the details they need from the nameplate on their outdoor condensing unit.

The plate will list the unit's make, model and serial number; repairers can then use the information to purchase parts from a local appliance store, furnace dealer or online. It's worth noting, however, that some parts can run on the expensive side, so homeowners should get a second opinion before purchasing - particularly if they have limited experience with air conditioner repairs.

The Repair Process

Prepare Yourself: Once you've acquired the tools and parts necessary for the project, it's imperative to form a game plan. Start by writing or printing out the steps needed to tackle the repairs; similarly, you could access instructions from your cellphone. The most important part is having a detailed plan accessible before delving into the project. Once you've reviewed the process, lay out all the tools and parts needed to complete the tasks involved - doing so will prevent you from having to continuously leave the work site to fetch essential items.

Online video tutorials are a great tool for DIY undertakers.

Learn from Others: If you're feeling less than confident about your DIY skills, you can rest easy knowing there are a variety of resources available to you. Online video tutorials, in particular, are an especially great tool for first-timers. Additionally, you might consider involving a friend who has more AC repair experience.

Hiring a Professional

If you find yourself unable to perform the duties that are required by the project, there is certainly no shame in reaching out to a skilled HVAC expert. DIY repairs can quickly take on a life of their own, racking up additional costs and sucking up time along the way. Consequently, homeowners often find that hiring a professional can actually be less expensive and inconvenient in the end.
